Create a project and compile BRiefFiniteElement from source code ================================================================ After downloading the source code you should reference the main projects of bfe in your C# project. we will use Visual Studio 2015 in next. you can use any version of Visual Studio IDE including free express or community version. by the way it is downloadable from ````. In next we will use visual Studio 2015... Some users reported project does not build with Visual Studio 2017, there are some workarounds in (`issue #42 on project on github `_). Creating new project -------------------- After installation, Create a new C# application with name ``BfeTestApplication`` and type ``Console Application`` (`Create New Solution in Visual Studio `_). .. figure:: ../images/vs-new-proj.png :align: center Add BFE codes (projects) into solution -------------------------------------- You should add the actual BFE core codes into your solution. (`Adding existing project to Solution in Visual Studio `_) To add BFE code to your solution, do the following: 1- In Solution Explorer, select the solution. 2- On the File menu, point to Add, and click Existing Project. 3- In the Add Existing Project dialog box, locate the project you want to add, select the project file, and then click Open. you should add two projects to your solution: 1- BriefFiniteElementNet located at ``\BriefFiniteElementNet\BriefFiniteElementNet.csproj`` 2- BriefFiniteElementNet.Common located at ``\BriefFiniteElementNet.Common\BriefFiniteElementNet.Common.csproj`` adding two projects, .. figure:: ../images/vs-add-exst-prj.png :align: center .. figure:: ../images/add-proj-bfe.png :align: center .. figure:: ../images/add-proj-bfe-common.png :align: center after adding two projects, solution explorer tab in visual studio should looks like this: .. figure:: ../images/vs-slnexpl-1.png :align: center Add reference of BFE projects into first project ------------------------------------------------ Now two C# projects ``BriefFiniteElementNet`` and ``BriefFiniteElementNet.Common`` are added to our solution. next we should add a reference of each one into first project named ``BfeTestApplication`` (`More Info `_). .. figure:: ../images/vs-slnexpl-addref1.png :align: center .. figure:: ../images/vs-addref2.png :align: center Start Coding with BFE --------------------- Now things are ready to start coding. Open the ``Program.cs`` file in project ``BfeTestApplication`` inside Visual Studio, it should be something like this: .. figure:: ../images/vs-prgcs-empty.png :align: center The ``static void Main(string[] args)`` method will execute once we start to execute the project. so we should add our code inside it: .. code-block:: cs //a console beam, totally fixed in start n1, totally free in end n2 // a load of 1000 N var model = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Model(); Node n1, n2; model.Nodes.Add(n1 = new Node(x:0.0, y:0.0, z:0.0) { Constraints = Constraints.Fixed }); model.Nodes.Add(n2 = new Node(x:1.0, y:0.0, z:0.0) { Constraints = Constraints.Released }); var elm = new BarElement(n1, n2); model.Elements.Add(elm); elm.Section = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Sections.UniformParametric1DSection(a: 0.01, iy: 8.3e-6, iz: 8.3e-6, j: 16.6e-6);//section's second area moments Iy and Iz = 8.3*10^-6, area = 0.01 elm.Material = BriefFiniteElementNet.Materials.UniformIsotropicMaterial.CreateFromYoungPoisson(210e9, 0.3);//Elastic mudule is 210e9 and poisson ratio is 0.3 var load = new BriefFiniteElementNet.NodalLoad(); var frc = new Force(); frc.Fz = 1000;// 1kN force in Z direction load.Force = frc; n2.Loads.Add(load); model.Solve_MPC();//or model.Solve(); var d2 = n2.GetNodalDisplacement(); Console.WriteLine("Nodal displacement in Z direction is {0} meters (thus {1} mm)", d2.DZ, d2.DZ * 1000);//print the Dz of n2 into console Console.WriteLine("Nodal rotation in Y direction is {0} radians (thus {1} degrees)", d2.RY, d2.RY * 180.0 / Math.PI);//print the Rz of n2 into console Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); also add two ``using`` directives on top of file: .. code-block:: cs using BriefFiniteElementNet; using BriefFiniteElementNet.Elements; finally it should look like: .. figure:: ../images/vs-prgcs-codes.png :align: center Then we start debug by pressign F5 key or "Debug" menu, then "Start Debugging". console window should show up like this: .. figure:: ../images/testapp-console.png :align: center